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What we can learn from sports coaching

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

What is the one thing we see with coaching in sport that remains the same regardless of the sport, club, gender, age, or level?

It occurs regularly and consistently without much interruption.

There is an agreed understanding and expectation of when coaching will occur, and on most occasions, it does. It is not something that happens when the coach can find time, it is not cancelled or rescheduled when something more pressing needs to be done, and it is not considered unnecessary when the team/individual are consistently winning, rather the opposite, coaching is seen as imperative to maintain and further improve performance.

So why is it that we can demonstrate such commitment to coaching in sport or other vocations, but we don’t often see the same for workplace coaching?

It comes down to the 3Cs - Cadence, Commitment and Consistency.

Cadence -setting the expectation of when, where and how coaching will occur, provides certainty and accountability for all involved.

Commitment - It is our actions rather than our words that demonstrates commitment.

Consistency - coaching is a process, not a tactic to use when you have time. Just like fitness, you need to exercise consistently to build your fitness, going for a run every now and then will not deliver results.

Step 4-IMPLEMENT of the CoachABLE Approach supports leaders to develop a coaching plan for their team using our 3Cs tool, and remain on track with their plan whilst building confidence and capability through coaching, mentoring, observation and feedback through step 5 - EMBED.

If you're struggling to get traction with coaching in your business or team, reach out for a conversation to get you back on track.

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