To quote Rich Mesch, author of this article- "Too many learning initiatives stop at the end of the course, but that’s when learning really begins".
When we learn something new, we need to quickly integrate this learning into our work, consciously practice it, monitor our progress, obtain feedback and learn from mistakes made along the way. Only when we do this, will our learning stick and we are able to concrete our learning as a new habit.
The problem we often see however, is when people attend training, despite best intentions to implement what they have learned, the need to catch up from a missed day/couple of days work, can push this right down the priority list. The next thing we know, it's been a couple of months and what seemed so clear and memorable at the time has mostly faded.
STEP 4 of the Coachable Approach, IMPLEMENT support leaders to integrate coaching back into their daily routines by identifying, planning and deciding on:
- opportunities to coach
- best fit tools and methodologies
- roles and accountabilities.
Participants are then supported and held accountable for implementation through regular check-ins, coaching and mentoring as part of our EMBED phase.