Zidan is a new manager, who started in May
he's quite technically sound in most every way
He is new however, to leading a team
For years what seems to have been his dream
With KPIs, targets and schedules to meet,
Zidan's very quick to think on his feet
The problem with this is, he's now not alone
He has a team of nine that are beginning to groan
"We are skilled, experienced, we know our stuff
But working for you is extremely tough"
'Your intentions may be to hit our goal,
However you need to relinquish control"
"We're ready to quit and leave your approach,
Unless you change tact and learn how to coach"
Zidan wants to improve, "I'm not ready to quit"
"I must now learn how to change my habit"
"For doing it my way worked well back then"
"But not when we now have the ideas of ten"
"So where do I start? What should I know?"
CoachABLE will help me to develop and grow
as a leader whose curious, asks questions to hear
what my team choose to do when I let them steer.