Performance is not something you should have to manage. High-performance is inspired, enabled and guided by clear purpose and strategy, through compassionate leadership and within a constructive culture.
CoachABLE was founded to educate, coach and empower leaders to cultivate a culture that actively seeks to learn, innovate and grow, so that your organisation is able to adapt, evolve and grow with any changing demands of your customers and environment.
The CoachABLE story begins long before I founded my company in 2021.
It was 2013, I had just started a new role focused on developing a coaching culture in the organisation by developing leaders coaching capability and ensure they were complying with the organisations’ coaching policy and processes.
Our leaders had completed a 3-day course learning how to coach and had been provided a standardised document to use during their monthly 1:1s with their team.
My role was to observe and assess how well each leader adhered to the coaching methodology and provide training to bridge any gaps.
I very quickly noticed that, although our leaders were “coaching”, it had little positive influence. Both the leader and their team were going through to motions to tick a box.
Something needed to change for the organisation to enjoy the benefits coach-style leadership has been proven to deliver.
Hi, I'm Bec.
For the following 3 years, I collaborated with our leaders to iterate, test and evolve our leadership development and coaching program, which resulted in the achievement of Confident, Empowered and Passionate leaders who coached and lead their team with compassion and purpose. This experience provided me with profound insights into what best supports leaders to lead and develop high performing teams.
So, what exactly did we do you ask?
We defined the purpose and value of their role, and opportunities to bring their purpose to life through leadership approach. With this revived focus, I witnessed leaders make purpose led decisions about how to best develop and support their team.
We let go of the rules. Our leaders were so focused on adhering to what they should be doing, they lost focus on what really mattered – being there for their team. By ridding the rules, leaders were able to respond to the needs of each individual, building strong relationships in the process.
We used the knowledge of neuroscience to focus on creating an environment and relationships where all team members felt safe and valued, encouraging them to take on challenges, learn from mistakes and share their ideas.
We focused on developing leadership mindset and embedding habits through dedicated coaching and mentoring, rather than teaching and improving skills and methodologies. Through mindset, leaders become more self-aware, compassionate, and confident to respond to the various challenges and demands that come with leading people.
From these changes, I witnessed leaders experiment with different ways to coach and develop their team and contributed ideas to further evolve our coaching and development program.
The result… leaders and their teams were invested in the performance and growth of the business. Teams were engaged & motivated. They collaborated, innovated and adapted to challenges. They became a high performing business that people sought to become part of.